Right to Quality Health

Right to Health is important phenomena in development discourse. SHEDF has no capacity to provide Health Care Support but based on Rights Based Approach (RBA), SHEDF continuously provide support to community to increase their behavior towards PHC (Primary Health Care) and mobilize community to claim their health rights to Facility Based Institutions within Public Sphere. So far SHEDF is implementing the following activity under Right to Quality Health Program. 

  • Provide training on BCC and PHC (Primary Health Care)

  • Mobilize community people and strengthening their capacity on RB A (Rights Base Approach) to claim Health services.

  • Advocacy with Govt. Health Sector to ensure PHC at remote area where SHEDF is working (i.e. EPI center, Family Planning information and device, National Polio Round, PHC)

  • Mass campaign against Malpractices and reduce disease of burden (i.e. spiritual medicine, malpractice of health care by non-educated person, traditional hilling)