SHEDF has been following a comprehensive Gender Policy.
Short Brief on Gender Policy:
The gender policy of SHEDF was developed and approved by the General Committed at AGM (Annual General Meeting) on 2009 and followed on the same year. SHEDF’s strategy, “Rights to end poverty”, furthers the women’s rights agenda. SHEDF believes that women’s rights and gender equality help with poverty eradication and hence, women’s rights must be protected and promoted. Women’s rights and gender equality are priorities that lie in the heart of agenda. The organization works directly with women’s group in order to advance gender relations. SHEDF wishes to see that women grow in confidence, skills, and knowledge throughout the Bangladesh. The ultimate goal is that women shape their own destiny, live without fear of violence, and participate effectively in those decisions that affect their quality of lives and livelihoods.
The following are the major part which covers by the gender policy as below:
Approach and Strategy:
- Addressed the gender issues both qualitatively and quantitatively
- Addressed both practical need and strategic need of women within programmatic intervention
- Gender Budgeting and budget tracking in all programs
Human Resource Policy and Gender:
- Ensured Maternal and Paternal Leave within leave policy
- Gender based travel cost allocation for female staff of SHEDF
Participations and Decision Making:
- Ensured women participation in program (with equity basis)
- Promote Equity and Equality
- Number of women in both EC and General Committee including staff structure.
The original policy can be downloaded from the following link: